5 Ways to Make the Rest of 2016 GREAT!
As the year comes to a close I can’t help but wonder what 2017 will bring. As I look back on 2016 it was a year full of huge changes and shifts for my family. I am already starting to plan for what I want to accomplish in 2017, but that has made me wonder why I am neglecting the next 3 weeks of the year! Here are 5 ways to make the rest of 2016 great!
It’s so easy around the holidays to get swept up in the hustle and bustle, and to miss the moments that make this season so special. I am challenging myself to make the rest of 2016 GREAT! Are you in?
Here are 5 Ways to Make the Rest of 2016 GREAT!
- Be Present– I would encourage you to truly be present with you friends and family for the rest of the year. It is so easy to focus on everything you have going on, and to forget about taking the time to enjoy the important people in your life.
- Schedule Less– One way to stay present is to make sure you don’t schedule as much. I know it isn’t easy telling people who want your attention no, but remember that for every yes you are saying no to something else. Whether that be your kids, other family, other friends, a business, or fellowship. I would encourage you to really think about each opportunity before you say yes to it. If you would feel stressed in anyway or think you will resent doing it, then I suggest you say no. Too many of us are living our lives for other people.
- Pray More– What a great way to end the year than to focus on praying. The bible says that if we ask that God will grant us the desires of our heart, but how many of us take the time and truly ask for this? How awesome would it be to see some huge changes in your prayer life before the year ends. Prayer does change lives. Unfortunately not many of us experience it because we don’t take the time to stop what we are doing and talk to our Father who loves us.
- Enjoy Everyday- One way to make the end of the year great would be to start making a gratitude journal and write down 3 things you are grateful for at the end of everyday! This would help not only make the end of your year great, but it would also help you to keep a positive mindset in these winter months. It will also help you focus on enjoying your life rather than focusing on the negatives. Everyone has struggles in life… it’s what we do in those struggles that make us who we are. Let’s use our struggles to treasure the small things in life that make it worth living.
- Change Someones Life– This might seem like a big task for only 3 more weeks of the year, but don’t over think it. I would encourage you to pray and seek out something nice you can do for someone who God lays on your heart. There are so many people out there who need love and support. What we don’t realize is how just a handwritten note, a smile in someones direction, a hug when someone desperately needs it, a call on the phone just to see how the other person is doing, an anonymous gift, or just a listening ear can change someones life. We all need support in one way or another so lets spread the love!
These are 5 Ways to Make the Rest of Your 2016 GREAT!
I truly hope the rest of your year is GREAT! We never know how much time we have left so we need to make sure we are living everyday to the fullest. Sometimes though the fullest doesn’t mean the busiest. The fullest lives are led when we stop doing and start being.
Until Next Time,
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!