Best Morning Routine Essentials

Are you wondering what my morning routine essentials are? Do you want more ideas on how to create a peaceful and quiet morning routine?
I’ve always been a morning person. It might be because my parents were, and I always remember them being up. I also love the freshness of the day and seeing the sun rise in the mornings. My kids are starting to follow in my footsteps as well lately.
During this busy season of life, it’s important to me more than ever to create a quiet and peaceful morning routine for my life. That’s why I’m sharing my the best morning routine essentials.
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My Morning Routine
This is a simple morning routine that helps me prepare for the day!
- drinking a big glass of water first upon waking
- starting the diffuser for the day
- reading my bible & a devotional
- making my gratitude list/journal & looking over my schedule for the day
- sipping on coffee while I do these things
Most of the time my kids are up after I do these things, but if not, I try to get some work in before they do get up!
Another tip I have is to not look at your phone right when you wake up. I normally wait an hour or so to pick up my phone in the mornings. This helps me keep focused on the important parts of my morning routine, so I don’t get distracted.

Best Morning Routine Essentials
Here are some of the best morning routine essentials to keep on hand and use when needed. It’s important that when setting up a morning routine you don’t make it too complicated (or you won’t want to do it each morning). Create a simple routine you love!
- coffee
- favorite coffee mug
- diffuser
- essential oils
- planner
- comfy blanket
- book
- journal
- devotional
- bible
- bible highlighters
- daily prayer journal
These are some of the essentials for a great morning routine, but it will change some depending on what other things your morning routine has in it.
Here’s a link to my Jesus and Oils: Devotional Journal with Essential Oil Diffuser Blends.
I also wanted to share a link to the Daily Grace Co. filled with tons of other great devotional choices! The Daily Grace Co. exists to equip disciples to know and love God and His Word by creating beautiful, theologically rich, and accessible resources so that God may be glorified and the gospel made known. I love all their resources!

Here are some more great things you can add to your morning routine:
- yoga
- stretching
- meditation
- walking
- prayer
- eat a healthy breakfast
- make your bed
- journal
- write in a prayer journal
Remember to stay flexible. It’s ok to switch things up each morning too depending on how you’re feeling!
Related: Best 32 FREE Self Care Activites
3 Favorite Morning Essential Oil Diffuser Blends
Part of my morning routine is starting the diffuser for the day. Here are some of my favorite morning essential oil diffuser blends to use!
Goodmorning Diffuser Blend
- 3 drops Peppermint essential oil
- 3 drops Wild Orange essential oil
Sunshine Diffuser Blend
- 2 drops Lemon essential oil
- 2 drops Wild Orange essential oil
- 2 drops Bergamot essential oil
Energizing Bliss Diffuser Blend
- 3 drops Basil essential oil
- 3 drops Lemon essential oil
Related: 5 Energizing Essential Oil Diffuser Blends to Start Your Day Off Right
What are your morning routine essentials? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reeni). I love hearing your feedback!
Related Posts:
- 5 Tips on How to Start Your Morning Positively
- Best 15 Diffuser Blends for Stress
- 5 Morning Habits to Change Your Life
- 7 Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes for Tired Moms
- 5 Essential Oil Blends to Diffuser After a Long Day
- Top Calming Oils Plus Bonus Recipes
- Best Calming Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for Kids
- Staying Home Diffuser Blend Recipes
Until Next Time,
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*This post about the Best Morning Routine Essentials contains affiliate links. If you’d like to purchase a recommended product, please use the links to support this blog. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, it simply allows me to continue creating these posts. Thank you for your love and support!
*I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice.
Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!