Contentment {How to Find it in Your Life Today}
This life can be so exhausting. Finding contentment may seem like something that will never happen. We are constantly hustling and going from adventure to adventure. If we are doing enough at home, at work, in our relationships, in our walk with God, or for ourselves then we feel unsatisfied and try to do better next time. Our culture has taught us that in order to be “good enough” then we have to be perfect in all these areas.
Luckily that is not what God expects of us.
He doesn’t expect us to be the perfect wife, mother, employee, employer, daughter, aunt, sister, or disciple. All He asks of us is to accept Him into our lives and let Him transform it.
Life isn’t always going to go the way you want it to. There will be twists and turns, ups and downs, disappointments, upsets, heartbreak, lonely nights, stressful situations, and so much more. The only thing he has promised us though is that He will be there through all of it with us. We do not have to do life alone, and we never will have to.
I don’t know about you, but this really puts things into perspective for me.
When I stop and really absorb the fact that God is with me ALWAYS, then life doesn’t seem so scary. Things that once were stressful might still be stressful, but I know I can get through it. Those lonely nights left feeling like no one cares turns into a reassuring reminder that He cares.
Life will never be perfect, but when we have invited Jesus into the very core of our being then everything can change. It might not change all at once, but you will feel the deepest parts of your heart opening up. You will feel the weight of this world slowly being lifted off of your shoulders because we don’t have to do it alone anymore.
God calls us not to be perfect, but to have a RELATIONSHIP with Him. To walk with Him throughout the easy times, the hard times, and the times where we just don’t know what we are doing.
He saved us. Really think about this statement. He died on the cross for us…for you…for me. Wow. Why wouldn’t we want to have a relationship with someone who laid down His life so that we could live?
We shouldn’t be striving for perfectionism. We are broken and will never be able to achieve this. Instead, lets pause life where we are. Look around and see all the wonderful things God has given us. Because if we truly focus on these things, then we will find contentment. Contentment in our life, in our circumstances, in our family, in our jobs, and in our relationships. We find this because we realize that while life might not be perfect. We have a God who is.
Until Next Time,
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!