5 Easy Homeschooling Tips

Are you thinking about homeschooling? Have you already started homeschooling but just need some simple tips?
When I first started homeschooling, I remember looking into a lot of recommendations, advice, and tips from veteran homeschooling moms. It’s so helpful being surrounded by love and support especially when beginning.
Unfortunately, not everyone has a great support system when starting. If this is you, then I encourage you to find local communities near you or online to get connected with! While I’ve only been homschooling for three years, I wanted to share 5 easy homeschooling tips that really helped me!
See a full list of our favorite homeschool tools we use here!
Easy Homeschooling Tips
Here are some easy tips to remember as you go throughout your homeschool journey. My prayer is that it is a journey full of joy-filled days. This doesn’t mean it will be an easy journey, but I’ve been learning to find joy in the everyday little moments and to treasure the time we have together.
1. Trust Your Instincts
Each child is unique and will learn best in different ways. Since you are their parent, you are your child’s best teacher. Trust your instincts when assessing how to teach your child and make adjustments as needed.
The amazing benefit of homeschooling is that learning doesn’t just happen at one part of the day. Learning is a never-ending endeavor. There are moments all throughout the day to grow, learn, and enjoy life together!
2. Be Flexible
Just because you start the school year with one curriculum, schedule, or routine doesn’t mean that you need to stick to it if it’s not working for your family. Don’t be afraid to change curriculums mid year if needed, or start homeschooling in the afternoon if you’ve noticed that’s when your child works best.
Every family is different, so there will be no one-size-fits-all for your homeschool. Each year is going to look different too with kids growing and seasons of life changing. What you do one year might look different during a year you have a new baby at home.
The key is to stay flexible, always be growing, and not to be too hard on yourself. A calm atmosphere is going to be a much healthier learning environment than a stressful one where you are trying to get everything on our checklist or schedule accomplished.
See our homeschool favorites on Amazon here!

3. Find Encouragement
One thing I’ve found most helpful along the way is encouragement from other homeschooling mamas. This could be in the form of a book or as a part of a community.
In years past, I’ve read many books about homeschooling that have filled up my heart and given me the courage to keep going. You’re going to have ups and downs just like anything in life, but remember that it’s worth it!
Favorite homeschooling books
See more favorite books and other supplies here!
There are also some amazing homeschool websites with tons of great resources, advice, tips, and more!
Favorite websites I love
See our homeschool favorites on Amazon here!
4. Embrace Your Season
As we go throughout life, there are many seasons we encounter. Homeschooling might look different depending on the season you’re in. It might be taking care of a sick parent, a new baby, or an illness in the family. Each season will bring with it a new flow or schedule, and that’s okay!
No matter what season it is, know that it’s okay for things to be different in your homeschool days as you adapt to different circumstances. If you need more rest in your days for a period, then my prayer is you embrace that, and don’t feel guilty.
There are so many things we can’t control in this life, but when we cultivate a home of learning, there will be learning happening even in the “restful” days. Your kids are gaining knowledge so much more than what is in a textbook or a curriculum. They are learning about life and the different seasons that come with it.

5. Have Fun
Your kids are only going to be young once. This time with your kids is going to go by so quickly! I can’t believe my son is already seven! I don’t know where the years went. So remember that the most important thing is that your kids feel loved, safe, and secure.
Don’t be afraid to have fun or deviate from a lesson for a walk in nature, and see where the day takes you! The amazing part about homeschooling is if your kid is having a rough day, sometimes a change in scenery is all they need! It’s a win-win when you can get out and do something fun while also creating a learning environment all around them.
Want to know a secret? Your child is going to learn so much even when you’re not realizing it. Real life experiences provide so much learning for kids! Take advantage of the fact that you guys get to do these tasks together!
Treasure these moments because they go by so quickly! Surround yourself with others that are homeschooling as well, so you can have a community to lean on when you need to and enjoy life together!
What homeschooling tips were your favorite? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reeni). I love hearing your feedback!
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!