Best 8 Essential Oil Tips for Moms

Do you love using essential oils or are you looking to start using essential oils more with your kids?
Being a mom is tough.
It is a thankless job and everyone seems to feel the need to give their opinions on how you can do it better. I can’t make being a mom easier for you, but I can help by giving you some tools to help support yourself, your little ones, and your family. Here are the best 8 essential oil tips for moms!
Essential oil tips for moms
1. Dilute
This is so important when using essential oils, especially with our little ones. Here is a general recommendation for diluting oils with kids!
2. When in doubt go back to basics
Using essential oils can sometimes seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. If you ever don’t know which essential oil to use Frankincense is always a good option. It’s a gentle essential oil that provides so many great benefits!
Another great option is Lavender.
3. Use often
While using essential oils when needed is always a good thing, it’s also important to make sure to keep up with using them to help support our bodies before these instances occur. It helps when we are actively taking the initiative to help our little ones.
4. Keep recipes on hand
I love keeping spray bottle, roller bottle, and diffuser bomb recipes on hand for ease of use. I make them ahead of time so that I have them when needed. It’s so easy to grab a pre-diluted roller bottle and roll it on instead of finding the oils, diluting them, and then applying them.
Here are some great essential oil blends for kids and spray bottles for moms.
Grab all the best-selling essential oil guides in one bundle here!
5. Teach them young
When your kids get old enough, start teaching them how to use the oils to support their bodies. My son knows which oils to use for tummy issues, headaches, and for bedtime. He loves knowing what to do and how to help his body. The smile he gets on his face is priceless!
Plus, the earlier you start them applying their own oils, the less you have on your plate! Just make sure they’re old enough to use essential oils safely.
6. Diffuser jewelry tip
It’s easy to use essential oils with our kids when they’re home, but it’s difficult to know what to do when they’re at school and need support.
That’s why it’s a helpful idea to let your kids wear diffuser jewelry with a couple drops of essential oils on them when they go to school. This way, it acts like a diffuser all day long and they are getting those benefits.
You could add oils to help them focus, oils for immune support, or oils for courage. This way you are helping to support them even when you’re not there. A mom win for sure in my book!
Here are some great essential oil jewelry pieces from Etsy and from Amazon!
7. Take care of yourself, mama!
Make sure you are using oils throughout the day to support yourself as well. There are many essential oils to help support your mood, to help uplift you throughout the day, and to help to calm and soothe.
Keeping these oils close at hand throughout the day can make for an easier day with your kids. Like I stated above, make sure you use them often to reap the full benefits that they have to offer!
Some of my mommy favorites are Lavender, Rose, Jasmine, Clary Sage, and Frankincense. These all help to balance and support the mood along with having calming benefits.
Here is one of my most popular “Happy” roller bottle blends that everyone loves using!
8. Listen to your mommy gut
There is so much information out there about using essential oils with kids. There is a large majority of moms out there successfully using essential oils with kids and sharing how they do it. Unfortunately, there are some causing fear on the subject as well.
The best advice I can give you is to look at the research being done on essential oils. Yes, there are a lot of research articles out there, and so much more being done as I type this!
Look at the research, and listen to your mommy gut. Never use oils that you don’t feel comfortable with or aren’t sure about. There are enough gentle oils to use for kids if you are unsure of others.
Being a mom is hard, but these oils can provide some much needed support throughout the long days and short years.
You’re doing a great job mama, and the fact that you are looking into tips on how to use essential oils for your little ones shows how much you care!
Which essential oil tips for moms is your favorite? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reeni). I love hearing your feedback!
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All the best,
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*I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice.
Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!