12 Healthy Morning Routine Ideas

Are you looking for a healthy morning routine? Do you want some more ideas on ways to help make it a great day?
Growing up and in college, I never realized the importance of a morning routine. I normally would sleep until I knew I had to be up to get ready to leave. I left little time to actually get this accomplished and always felt like I was running behind.
Since having kids, though, I’ve come to rely on my morning routine. I now leave myself plenty of time in the morning to get through the items in my routine, so I know the important things get done first thing in the morning. Throughout the years, my routine has looked different and I change it up quite often, but it’s still one of my favorite times of the day!
That’s why I wanted to share 12 healthy morning routine ideas you can do to start the day off right!

See a sneak peak of my morning routine here!
Why start a healthy morning routine?
There are many reasons to start a healthy morning routine. I notice I’m more energized, get more done, and am better able to handle the curve balls that life brings if I’ve made sure to create space for my morning routine (even if it means getting up earlier than my kids).
Instead of letting your day happen to you, morning routines help to take control of the day and be more productive.
What is the healthiest morning routine?
There is no one size fits all for morning routine, and it depends on what’s important to you. There are, however, certain items you can add to make your morning routine healthier.
12 Healthy Morning Routine Ideas
1. Start the Night Before
This simply means setting up everything you’ll need for your morning routine the night before. It might mean making sure your book, journal, water, pen, or whatever else you might need is out and ready to go!
It could also mean picking out a workout outfit the night before (or even sleeping in whatever you’ll be working out in). Doing this simple act of getting everything ready will help to ensure you’ll get it done!
I make sure to add in the diffuser blend for the morning to my diffuser, so when I wake up, all I have to do is start it! It reduces the amount of decisions I need to make when I first get out of bed.
2. Drink Water
Drinking water (especially before you start drinking coffee) can help to hydrate your body. It also helps energize you for the day!
We lose water while we are sleeping, so it’s always a good thing to start by replenishing the water we lost.
Keeping a big glass of water with you throughout the day will help to remind you to drink water. Here’s one of my favorites to keep on hand!
3. Move Your Body
It’s always a good idea to move your body in some way in the morning. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout. It can simply be walking or stretching. This will help energize you and improve your mood as well! It’s a win-win!
4. Read
The morning is a great time to get some reading in. I always like starting the day with a non-fiction book. I love learning so being able to read each morning and get through books is a favorite of mine!
Do you have a long list of books you’d like to read? Morning is a great time to spend 10-15 minutes reading. You’ll be surprised at how many books you can read when you take just a little time each day! It adds up quickly.

5. Write
If you have a job where writing is a part of it or if you simply love writing, then first thing in the morning is a great time to get this in! Your brain isn’t overloaded with decision fatigue yet, and most likely it’s easier to have a quiet atmosphere for thinking and writing in the morning.
These past couple of months, I’ve tried adding writing into my morning routine since I don’t have a ton of quiet time during the day. I definitely have started loving this as part of my routine and will continue doing it at least while my kids are young.
Here are some beautiful journals you can use!
6. Pray
Prayer is such an important part of a healthy morning routine. The Bible tells us that we should be constantly in prayer throughout our day. When we take the time to stop and connect with God before we start the hustle and bustle of the day, it’s easier to keep Him front and center during the busyness that life brings.
Here’s one of my favorite daily prayer journals I love using as part of my morning routine!
7. Gratitude Lists
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”
When we actively start our day with gratitude it’s easier to enjoy life more throughout the day. Instead of focusing on the things in life we don’t have and getting into the comparison trap, we are able to see all the blessings in our lives.
“Everyday might not be good, but there is beauty in everyday.”
8. Get Outside
If you’re able to go outside first thing in the morning as part of your routine, this helps in so many different ways. Being in nature always helps reduce stress, and when your body gets access to sunlight first thing in the morning, it can help with your circadian rhythm and promote healthy sleep patterns.
9. Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Eating a healthy breakfast is so important in the mornings. When we eat processed foods with junk in them, then we aren’t going to feel good the rest of the day.
When we take the time to put thought into the meal and add in healthy foods, then we are nourishing our body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. The closer we can get to eating foods that are unprocessed, the better we will start to feel.

10. Habit Stack
This is a concept I’m learning from the book “Atomic Habits,” by James Clear. It simply means to try stacking any new behavior you want to start onto something you already do everyday.
For example, if you wanted to start oil pulling in the morning, then you could stack it onto something you already do every morning (like washing your face). Therefore, when you go to wash your face each day, it’s easy to remember to oil pull while you’re doing it.
11. Skin Care
A refreshing way to start the day is to have a skin care regime you use in the mornings. Whether it be washing your face, applying moisturizer, or doing your makeup all these things can help to get you ready for the day in a healthy way!
Use a toxic free skin care line to make sure you’re not applying chemicals to your skin. Here’s one of my favorites to use!
12. Make Coffee or Tea
It’s always nice to be able to start the day with a nice cup of hot or iced coffee and/or tea!
Some of my favorites to start the day are:
Just make sure you’re also drinking water to stay hydrated! I like to drink a glass of water right when I get up, then drink a cup of coffee, then another cup of water.

Bonus #1- Start the Diffuser
Starting your diffuser is a great way to give more support to your morning! One of my favorite morning diffuser blends is:
- 2 drops wild orange
- 2 drops bergamot
- 2 drops peppermint
Bonus #2- Plan for the Day
When you start the day with a plan in place, it helps with productivity because it makes you focus on the important things that need done.
It’s almost guaranteed that throughout the day more items will come along that will try to pull your attention away. When you have a plan in place, you can keep focused on the most important things for the day no matter what comes along.
Here’s one of my favorite daily planners that’s easy to print!
Everyone’s morning routine is going to look different, but here are 12 healthy morning routine ideas that you can add to your rhythm to start the day!
Remember that throughout different seasons of life, your morning routine could look different and that’s ok! Be flexible and find a routine that works best for you at the stage of life you’re in.
Which healthy morning routine idea is your favorite? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reeni). I love hearing your feedback!
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!