How To Be More Productive Each Day

Are you tired of getting to the end of the day and feeling like you got nothing accomplished, but you worked all day long? Is there a goal that you are trying to reach, but each day it seems further and further away? This is why I wanted to share easy tips on how to be more productive each day!
No matter what season of life you are in, there is one thing each season has in common. Trying to find more time in the day to get stuff done is a common complaint I hear from many different people. Moms can’t find the “work/life” balance they are hoping for and people who are starting their own businesses can’t seem to find the time to get to the all the things done. They are working all day every day just to feel like they are making progress.
While I know life is messy, busy, and complicated at times, there are easy tips to start incorporating into your every day life to help reduce this busy load.
Easy Tips on How to Be More Productive Each Day
1. Be realistic
If you are like me, then I used to have a lot on my to-do list each day. I figured that the more I had on it, the more I would get done.
What I came to realize is that this doesn’t help productivity. When you see a lot on your to-do list for the day, it gets you focused on all that you have to do instead of the single tasks that need accomplished.
Our brains work really well when we focus on one thing. So instead of loading your to-do lists up with tons of tasks, keep a “brain dump” area where you can keep all the things, but then have a separate area where you list out your tasks for that day. This helps you to stay focused on the tasks you need to complete instead of looking at everything else that also needs done.

2. List out your top 3 priorities
One of the best tips I started incorporating into my daily routine is to write down and my top 3 priorities for the next day. At night, before I start getting ready for bed, I make sure to list out my top 3 for the next day.
Not only do I find I sleep better, but it helps me to get focused on the important tasks I have to get done, and when those are done, I can work on little tasks here or there. But at the end of the day, I can go to bed knowing that I got the 3 things accomplished that I needed to for that day.
Grab the essential digital planner here to help you be more productive and to help get you started!
3. Wake up earlier
There are certain seasons in our life when we might have to wake up earlier to be able to get things done. Especially if you are a mama with kiddos at home. It’s difficult to get anything done (especially when they are little).
That’s why I get up 2 hours before my little one does to make sure I have enough time in to get the important activities in for the day.
Sleep is important, so I’m not saying to skimp on that. but it might mean going to bed earlier, so you can get up earlier. There is something great about getting a lot done in the mornings. Then you know that your day doesn’t have to feel as rushed because you got some high level work already accomplished by 7 or 8 am!
Related: 5 Morning Habits to Change Your Life
4. Take little breaks
Taking little breaks throughout the day can do wonders for your productivity! Get out in nature, go for a walk, listen to a podcast as you do the dishes, or read an inspiring book. Breaking up your days like this helps you have more focus when you come back to whatever you were working on.
I don’t know how many times I have been stuck on something, so I take a break. When I come back to the task, it takes me less time to complete because I was able to come back to it with fresh eyes.
5. Diffuse essential oils
Essential oils are such powerful natural solutions that have many different therapeutic benefits. One way I like to make sure I am staying productive each day is by using a diffuser blend that helps support focus.
There are also some great energizing essential oils that work for that afternoon slump and provide the mid-day pick-me-up that you might need!
Need oils? Learn more here!
Related: My Favorite Home Office Diffuser Blend
6. Batch items
Batching is one of my favorite ways to save time and be more productive each day! If you haven’t heard of batching yet, I highly suggest you get started right away!
The idea behind it is “batching” what you have to do each day into different days. For example, if you are a blogger, one day might be writing a bunch of posts. Instead of writing one and posting it, you are writing multiple at the same time (batching your work) to save time!
Since starting to incorporate this into my weekly and monthly schedules, it has changed my life!
7. Give yourself grace
You can only do what you can do. When you get to the end of the day and you didn’t get everything done that you wanted to get done, make sure to give yourself grace. Beating yourself up and getting upset only makes it worse.
Get up the next day and try again. That’s all we can do since we aren’t perfect people. Being productive is a skill that is learned, so don’t fear if you haven’t quite mastered it yet.
You will have days that you feel flow really well and other days that you wonder what you’re doing!
Just remember when learning how to be more productive that consistency is key.
What productivity tips are you going to start trying? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reenI). I love hearing your feedback!
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- Best Morning Diffuser Blends to Start the Day
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- 7 Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes for Tired Moms
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- How to Diffuse Essential Oils All Day with Only 3 Drops
- Joyful Family Diffuser Blend
- Peaceful Essential Oil Diffuser Blend Recipe
- Top Essential Oil Calming Blend for Kids
- Best 5 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends for Sleep
All the best,
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I keep an updated list of all the essential oil supplies and natural living products I recommend. I suggest checking it out to see the types of books I’ve read and courses I’ve completed over the last couple of years that have helped me learn how to use essential oils safely and effectively.
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*I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice.
Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!