How to Make a Custom Essential Oil Rollerball Blend

Essential oils provide so many benefits, and one of my favorite ways to use them is by creating rollerball blends. Not only are rollerballs easy to create, but they are also super simple to use each day! Below I am sharing how to make a custom essential oil rollerball blend.
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What materials will I need for a custom essential oil rollerball blend?
There are only two materials you will need for these essential oil recipes.
- Roller bottles
- Organic carrier oil (like an organic fractionated coconut oil or organic jojoba oil)
- Essential oils
You can use these materials above to create just about any recipe you would like to!
New to essential oils? Checkout my getting started with essential oils guide!
Steps to make a custom essential oil rollerball blend:
- Take the rollerball apart (cap off and rollerball out) so that it’s ready to go.
- Add in the desired drops of essential oils you want (this will depend on the recipe you are making and who you are making it for).
- When you are finished, fill the rest of the way with an organic carrier oil.
- Put the rollerball back in place, put the cap back on, then shake up the blend.
That’s it! It’s easy to create these recipes, but the great part about them is they provide so many benefits. So pick some cute rollerballs that you love (I find them on Etsy or Amazon), get an organic carrier oil, and start creating today!
What essential oil rollerball blend is your favorite to use? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reenI). I love hearing your feedback!
Related Posts:
- Top 5 Essential Oil Rollerball Recipes Everyone Should Have
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All the best,
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I keep an updated list of all the essential oil supplies and natural living products I recommend. I suggest checking it out to see the types of books I’ve read and courses I’ve completed over the last couple of years that have helped me learn how to use essential oils safely and effectively.
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*This post about how to make a custom essential oil rollerball blend contains affiliate links. If you’d like to purchase a recommended product, please use the links to support this blog. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, it simply allows me to continue creating these posts. Thank you for your love and support!
*I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice.
Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!