How to Make the Most Out of Each Day

Are you looking to learn simple ways to make the most out of each day? Do you struggle sometimes keeping up with the fast pace of life?
Life is short and at times difficult. That’s why it’s important to learn how to enjoy the journey and the process. Here are my favorite simple tips on how to make the most out of each day!
How to Make the Most Out of Each Day
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It always seems like there is so much to do (or that should be done). It’s sometimes difficult to know where to start or what to focus on. Here are some ways to start making the most out of each day!
1. Create a Morning Routine
This is such an important routine. I’m not saying you have to get up extra early in order to do this, but I do think having one in place helps start the day off in a positive way.
When we have a routine set up (no matter what it might look like), then we eliminate the need to start making decisions right away as everything is on autopilot.
Inspiring routine
I also think it’s important to create something that inspires you in the morning and that’s uplifting.
I like to read my Bible every morning while I drink my coffee and have essential oils diffusing. This helps me start the day with focus.
However you decide to start the day, just make sure you’re committed to a simple routine. It can be flexible, and as your life changes, it might change a little as well. But it’s important to keep it a part of your daily routine.
Here is one of my favorite devotionals to use in the mornings!
2. Practice Gratitude
This is something else that’s so important. Nothing in life is ever perfect, but in order to stay joyful in all circumstances, it’s important to practice gratitude.
Gratitude helps us to keep our eyes focused on the positive things in life instead of the negative ones because we all know there are so many negative things that are thrown at us each day.
In this world, it’s easier for the negative to be shared than the good things, but I promise you there are so many good things every day if we just make sure to look for them!
Gratitude Journal
One way to make sure you’re practicing gratitude each day is by keeping a journal. You can choose to write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for in the morning, at night, or both!
I like keeping a gratitude journal because it’s nice to be able to keep track of all the good things in my life as well. When I’m having a bad day it’s easy to open up the journal and remember all the blessings that I have in my life.

3. Take Breaks
When we work hard, we also need to remember to play hard. For me, this means to remember to take breaks when needed. I’ve found that taking breaks actually helps in my productivity as well.
I love the quote:
“When you get tired, learn to rest, not quit.”
This is so important to remember because it’s easy to get tired (especially if you’re working hard), but when we rest, we take much needed time to refresh and recharge. We give ourselves the opportunity to continue working hard later.
It’s so easy to get burnt out if we’re not taking care of ourselves and taking breaks, and resting helps us to not burn out so that we can keep going and reaching our big dreams for this life.
If you need more encouragement on learning to rest, then checkout this post!
4. Plan for the Future
Another way to make the most out of everyday is to remember to plan for the future. This includes setting goals for yourself and working on accomplishing those goals.
If we aren’t moving forward, then we’re moving backward. Planning for the future doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible and enjoy life. It simply means that there is a focus for what you’d like to accomplish.
Here is my favorite planner to use!
Small Steps Daily
It’s amazing what taking a few small steps daily towards your goals can help you accomplish over the long run. When making your goals, break those down into smaller, actionable steps that can be implemented into your days.
You’ll look back on how far you’ve come and be amazed at the amount of growth that occurred from just being disciplined and taking small action everyday.
The effects of compounding are amazing! Why not put them to work for you as well?
5. Focus on Memories and Moments
It’s so easy to become obsessed with all the things in this world. We buy something new for our house. Then we see something else that needs updated, so we spend money on that. It doesn’t take much time at all that we start focusing on what we have instead of what’s really important.
That’s why focusing on memories and moments is so important when learning how to make the most out of each day!
When we focus on stuff instead of memories and moments in our lives, then we miss out on a lot. The “stuff” will always be there, and there will always be more that we’ll want.
The memories that are made will last a lifetime and leave a greater legacy than any amount of money ever could.
6. Pray and Seek
When we are actively praying and seeking out God’s will for our lives, then this helps us to live a life worthy of the calling we have received.
It’s easy to become distracted with everything else going on. Praying and seeking Him above all else helps us to keep the focus on the most important thing in this world.
Here is one of my favorite prayer journals with a gratitude section as well!
7. Find Contentment
Nothing in life is easy and there will always be tough moments in the day-to-day and throughout life. That’s why it’s important to be content no matter the circumstances. Find joy in each day and each moment.
I know this seems difficult to do, but even on the hardest of days there can be good to be seen. There is so much to be thankful for and when we focus on those things contentment comes easier.
One of my favorite quotes is:
“It’s the little things in life…”
As we go throughout our days, weeks, months, and years I pray we can find joy and enjoy life amidst all that life throws at us.
8. Laugh
It’s so important to find ways to laugh throughout the day! There are so many ways to do this, but find activities, experiences, or people to connect with that make you laugh so that you’re able to make the most out of each day!
Which of these ways on how to make the most out of each day is your favorite? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reeni). I love hearing your feedback!
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!