How to Relax: 10 Easy Ways

Are you wondering how to relax? Are you looking for simple ways that can fit seamlessly into your life?
Life can be busy and stressful. That’s why it’s important to have ways to unwind and relax so that we’re able to feel rested to keep on going. Today I’m sharing how to relax with 10 easy tips!
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How to Relax: 10 Easy Tips
Here are some easy tips on how to relax! A bonus tip is to add in using essential oils throughout your day as well when you’re looking to relax. There are so many great soothing and calming essential oils that can help to support your body when needed.
1. Take a moment to breathe
Honestly, it’s amazing the power of just taking a few minutes to breathe deep breaths. If you have young kids, then I suggest trying to go to another room for a moment (if you can).
Sometimes when we are in the middle of a stressful situation, it’s hard to see a way out or anything else in that moment. That’s why, when you take a step back and a moment to breathe, it helps you focus on something else for a moment.
It refreshes and relaxes you, so you’re better able to handle situations throughout the day that might come up.
2. Use essential oils
Essential oils can help support us with all their therapeutic and emotional benefits. Using soothing essential oils can help support relaxation, deal with anxious feelings, and provide a calming atmosphere.
Some relaxing essential oils to keep on hand to diffuse or apply topically are:
- lavender
- frankincense
- wild orange
- ylang ylang
- roman chamomile
- cedarwood
- vetiver
- rose
One of the most popular ways to use essential oils is aromatically. Adding 4-6 drops of a high quality essential oil to a diffuser is all it takes!
Here are the best 15 diffuser blends for stress you can start using today!
3. Epsom Salt baths
Warm Epsom Salt baths are a great way to relax in the evening or unwind from your day. They are an easy addition to your day, and the Epsom Salt helps to prepare your body for a good night’s sleep.
As an added bonus, you could add essential oils to your bath for more soothing and calming support. Some of my favorites essential oils to add to my baths in the evenings are:
- lavender
- frankincense
- wild orange
Here are some great detox bath recipes you can use as well!
4. Movement
Another great way to relax is by doing some form of movement. It could be going for a walk, getting a workout in, doing yoga, stretching, or just putting some things away in the house.
I know it sounds counter intuitive to workout when we need to relax, but moving our bodies helps to reduce stress which leads to more relaxation. Just make sure that you’re doing something you enjoy. Don’t try to push yourself to do a type of workout you don’t enjoy because this will not be relaxing.
Some fun suggestions are:
- dancing
- walking
- yoga
- stretching
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5. Get outside
Getting outside in nature is so relaxing. There is something so peaceful about being in the fresh air. It helps to refresh and energize you so that you’re better able to handle anything life throws your way!
One way to relax is to get outside and go for a hike or just sit outside and watch the sky.
6. Listen to music
Soothing and calming music can help you relax no matter what time of day! It’s so effective that we do this automatically with babies who can’t seem to settle down.
You can put together your favorite playlist of some calming songs to turn on whenever you need them! There are so many great ways to do this, and when they are on your phone, these songs are easy to keep on hand.
7. Laughter
“Laughter is good for the soul.” Laughter is a great way to unwind. You can spend time with family and friends or watch a comedy at the end of the evening.
There are so many great quotes about laughter because it’s so good for our health. It helps to decrease stress by lessening your mental load along with other short term and long term benefits.
Try to laugh everyday as much as you can! Some ways to laugh can be:
- spending time with friends and family
- playing games
- watching comedies
Even if you just smile and try to force a laugh out, there are benefits from that simple action!
8. Spending time with loved ones
Along with laughter, spending time with loved ones can be relaxing as well. When we spend time with people we love, then we are able to get away from the hustle and bustle that life brings for some rest and relaxation.
Try finding a relaxing atmosphere when spending time with them over a nice dinner out or sitting down at a coffee shop. Remember that the important things in life aren’t things. When we take time to connect with people on a deeper level (especially people we love), it can be a form of self care and help us to relax.
9. Journaling
This is so important for relaxation because it helps us to process through our emotions. There is something about putting pen to paper when trying to journal about how we are feeling, what’s going on in life, our prayers, and more.
This can be a perfect way to relax because it helps to get all the mental chatter in our heads out and onto paper for us to process. Sometimes even doing a simple brain dump of everything we have to do or are feeling helps as well!
Here’s one of my favorite Coffee & Oils Journal to use!
10. Pray or meditate
Spending time in prayer can be an instant form of relaxation. When we are overwhelmed or feeling anxious, then giving our cares over to God can help. It reminds us that He is faithful and that He works the best for those who love Him.
There will always be busyness, stress, hurt, pain, rejection, and overwhelm in this life, but when we lean on Him we can be assured that we aren’t alone. We can move forward in our lives knowing that He provides us with all the strength with need.
Bonus: Soothing massage with essential oils
Since essential oils provide so many great benefits, then adding them to a soothing massage is another great way to relax. Simply dilute whichever essential oil you want to use in your massage oil of choice to get started! It’s a great way to relax and unwind after a long day.
Some great essential oils to use with a soothing massage are:
- lavender
- frankincense
- marjoram
- peppermint
- roman chamomile
Dilution recommendations for adults are about 3-6 drops of essential oils per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. Here is more information on how to dilute essential oils!
How can I relax instantly?
Here are a few ways that can help you relax instantly.
- Diffuse a soothing or calming essential oil, or inhale it directly from the bottle for 3 deep breaths (lavender, cedarwood, roman chamomile, frankincense, or wild orange are great ones to keep on hand).
- Step outside, and go for a walk by yourself.
- Play soothing and calming music.
- Close your eyes, and take a moment or two to pray.
- Get in a warm bath, and in a few drops of calming essential oils.
Which of these ways that share how to relax is your favorite? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reeni). I love hearing your feedback!
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All the best,
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*This post about the How to Relax: 10 Easy Ways contains affiliate links. If you’d like to purchase a recommended product, please use the links to support this blog. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, it simply allows me to continue creating these posts. Thank you for your love and support!
*I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice.
Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!