How to Start a Self Care Routine

Are you looking for a simple self care routine that works for you? Have you heard of all the benefits self care offers and want to start adding it to your day?
Self care is an important part of any healthy lifestyle, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming when trying to figure out how to start. That’s why I’m sharing how to start a self care routine!
How to start self care.
The easiest way to start adding self care into your routine is to start off with a small self care activity that is easy to fit into your day.
Here are some examples of ways to get in self care that only takes 5-10 minutes!
- diffuse essential oils
- sit down with a warm cup of coffee
- read 5-10 minutes of a book
- go for a quick walk around the block
- try to find a quiet place and pray
These are just a few examples of self care activities that don’t take much time at all. I always suggest starting with the activity you love the most and trying to incorporate it into your day.
The more you start incorporating self care into your life, the more time you’ll start to devote to it because you’ll begin to experience so many amazing benefits.

Creating a self care routine.
Creating a self care routine doesn’t have to be hard. Not only are you doing something healthy for yourself, but it will also give you bits time throughout your week that you’ll be able to look forward to!
Make a plan, then work the plan!
It’s so important to schedule in your self care so that it will get done! Self care will be easy to forget about if we aren’t actively planning it into our days. It’s important to plan it into your day, and then make sure to follow through!
A quick tip is to set up a specific time during the week that you’ll get your self care in.
For example, I like to get up each morning to read my bible, pray, drink coffee, and plan out the day ahead. This is relaxing to me and helps get my day off to a great start!
It’s my favorite self care activity to do. If I can schedule in more self care that day, I will, but I know I at least have my 10-20 minutes in the morning to myself.
There are a couple of other simple ways to create a self care routine too.
1. Plan it into your weeks.
This option allows you a lot of flexibility when deciding on the type of self care you want to do.
Every week will look different and is a blank slate that you can add, change, or move around self care times. Nothing is set, so you get to plan the self care activities you feel would be the best for you.
The downside to this is it’s easy to push back the self care activities during the week if you feel life is getting too busy.
2. Have a set self-care schedule for each day of the week.
This option is a bit different because each day would have a set self care activity for you to do. It takes the guess work and planning out of it because it’s a predetermined activity that you do each week.
For example, on Sundays you would do a specific self care activity (like take a long bath, shaving, and getting ready for the week ahead). Mondays might be waking up earlier than the rest of your family to spend some time drinking coffee and reading.
However you decide to work your weeks, it would be consistent, easy to remember, and would become a seamless part of your daily life.

Self care tips.
No matter how you choose to create your self-care routine, here are some tips that will help you along the way:
- Plan self care into each day.
- Try to do a variety of self care activities if you can.
- If you’re stressing yourself out trying to get in self care, then it’s not self care. Only do activities and take time for things that are going to help you to unwind and have time for yourself.
- Give yourself permission to say no.
- Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you.
- Try new self-care activities.
- Celebrate the small things in life.
- Give yourself grace.
Self care checklist.
Since so many people have been asking for some self care help, I created a self care 5-day challenge!
Not only will you have a plan for self-care in your life after the challenge, but you will also know how to work your plan!
Each day of the challenge you receive:
- Details for the challenge that day
- Tips on how to start your own self-care routine
- Encouragement as you navigate through everything
- A way for you to connect and support other people in the challenge
Since all of us are busy, I made sure to keep the challenge for each day at only 5-10 minutes!
Are you ready? I AM!
Yes Please! Join the FREE 5-Day Self Care Challenge sent straight to your inbox!
Let’s start living more intentionally, saying yes to ourselves, feeling better, and being better able to take care of the people we love! Are you in?
What does your self care routine look like? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reeni) because I love hearing your feedback!
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All the best,
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*I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice.
Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!