How to Use the 3 Month Calendar

Are you looking for some great ways to use the 3 month calendar? Do you love to set quarterly goals, or do you want to get started?
Today I’m sharing all about how to use the 3 month calendar plus some planning tips that I know you’ll love!
When it all changed.
I wasn’t always a planner. I spent so much of my life writing to-do lists of things that just needed to get done. I liked checking off the boxes, but there wasn’t really any thought behind the lists.
I taught middle school for about 4 years. Then I was a real estate agent. During these years working, I continued to write down to-do lists of things that needed done, and then I would simply check them off when completed.
This all changed when I started my own business. I didn’t have deadlines (unless I set them) or clients who I had to show houses to. It was all up to me to determine my schedule, what I was going to spend my time on, and what goals I was going to set for myself.
It’s easy to say that I am not a natural planner at heart. I had to learn, mess up, re-learn, and try new things as I went.

I love simplicity in life. I didn’t realize that planning allows for this type of life since I’m not “winging” it day to day, but instead, I am able to be intentional with my time. It allows me to block out the noise that I can easily become distracted with and truly lean into the calling God has for my life.
Materials to use with the printable 3 month calendar.
When you get instant access to the 3 month calendar downloads, you get the choice to print out an 8.5″ x 11″ calendar that you can simply print from your home printer and start using right away.
The second option is to pick your favorite print shop, and print the 18″ x 24″. If you choose this route, then here are some of the materials I love using with it:
- This 18″ x 24″ gold frame from Target.
- You could also choose this white frame from Amazon.
- Here is a black frame from Amazon as well.
- EXPO® Vis-à-Vis Wet Erase Markers
- These sticky notes to use to color coordinate when planning.
Here’s a link to more of my favorite planning/office supplies!
How to use the calendar.
After you download the calendar, print it out, and place it where you want in your office. Then you can start planning for all the things!
I love planning in 3 month intervals due to this busy and chaotic season of life I’m in right now. I’m a wife, a stay at home mom, and business owner who also homeschools my kids. Let’s just say I survive each day on a whole lot of Jesus, oils, grace, coffee, and tea.

How I plan every 3 months.
I’m going to walk you through how I use the calendar to plan my months.
- First, I prep the board. When you first get started you won’t have anything to erase to get started, but when you start planning for your next 3 months, you’ll have to erase all the previous stuff. I use these wet erase markers so I get a wet and dry wash cloth to clean the board before using it.
- Next, I pray over direction for the next 3 months and for God to lead me as I start writing out my plans and goals. Sometimes if I’m not sure which direction I should go, I take some time and really pray, journal, and listen to God before I start planning.
- When I have an idea in the direction God wants me to take in the coming months, then I start breaking down my goals into a monthly focus for each month. The calendar has the perfect spot to write the focus for the month, so I can keep it front and center.
- Once I have the 3 monthly focuses written down, I break them down more and add them to the “to-do’s” section for the month. Doing this helps me to easily identify the tasks that I need to accomplish in order to meet my monthly focus.
- Then, I use these sticky notes to create tasks throughout the month that need done. This helps me to put dates onto certain tasks, so I can make sure they get done. With it being a busy season in my life right now, I like using the sticky notes, so I can easily move them if something unexpected comes up or if my little ones just need some extra snuggles one day.
- I use the notes & things section for extra reminders I need for the month as I work through my plan.
That’s it!

Set Goals and Be flexible.
Make sure to remember to give yourself grace and allow room for flexibility in your plan. Life doesn’t go as planned, and it’s important to remember to adjust as needed.
Since I’m in a busy season of life with my kids being so little and homeschooling, I try not to load up my plate too much right now.
I love making plans because it helps me be super focused, so when I do have a chunk of time to sit down and work, I can be intentional with what I’m accomplishing.
Start planning today.
Start planning today with this instant download calendar. When framed, it can be used again and again! Plus it makes the perfect addition to any office as you can choose the perfect color frame to match your office decor.
Want your own 3 month calendar? Click here to grab yours instantly! It comes in 5 different colors so you can easily print out your favorite version!
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!