Top 5 Nursing Mom Essentials

Are you looking for some of the top nursing mom essentials? A new baby brings a lot of changes to your life, and since it’s such a major transition it’s best to have the least amount of stress possible. That’s why, in this post, I’m sharing my top 5 nursing mom essentials!
Every baby is going to be different, and every nursing experience is going to be as well. That’s why I wanted to provide you with 5 of my top nursing mom essentials to help you during this time. Even if your baby is nursing well, these essentials are some of my top picks to have on hand!
Top 5 Nursing Mom Essentials
Here are some of my go-to’s to keep on hand:
Essential Oils for Milk Supply:
I make sure to keep roller bottles of essential oils on hand and ready to roll on if needed. I used these a lot in the beginning and as needed now.
Some of my favorites are:
- Fennel
- Basil
- Clary Sage
I simply created my own roller bottles with these essential oils using 20-30 drops of each and then added each one to a 10 ml glass roller bottle. I filled the rest of the roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil and rolled on as needed.
Need essential oils? Here is the brand I recommend and use with my family!
Mother’s Milk Tea
When nursing Traditional Medicinals Mother’s Milk Tea is always a must have item I keep on hand.
I first started using this tea with my son. There were times I was worried he wasn’t getting enough and loved having this tea on hand to use when needed. I could always tell a difference after drinking this tea.
If you aren’t a big tea drinker, then Gaia Herbs makes some Lactation Support pills you can take instead. I’ve heard great things about these supplements from other moms although I haven’t ever used these as I have preferred to use the tea.
This is one of the most important things to keep on hand! We all need water to survive, and nursing moms will need a lot of this to ensure they keep an adequate supply for their little one.
A good rule of thumb is to try and keep a water bottle on you at all times. Whenever I sit down to nurse I try to make sure to bring my water bottle over with me.
A bonus tip is you can keep nursing stations at each of your favorite nursing locations. This can include some water, a snack, and a kindle or a good book.
If you have other kids, you can keep a couple of quiet toys to give them to play with while you nurse.
Nursing Tank Tops:
I’m all for making my life easy with a newborn and this includes easy to use tank tops. There is nothing worse than having to feel uncomfortable while nursing or having a difficult time getting prepared to nurse your baby.
That is why my go-to tops are button up tank tops that I can wear under cardigans or stand alone during the summer.
Aerie has a great selection of button up tank tops that are super soft! I wear these everyday (I even bought some to wear as pajamas since they were so comfortable). Plus they make it easy for me to nurse on demand for my little one.
Checkout my favorite comfortable nursing tank tops here!
Nursing Friendly Pajama Sets:
Since I’m all about ease of use and comfort, it was also important for me to have a couple of sets of nursing friendly pajamas.
I found these button top sets to not only be nursing friendly but also super comfortable! I even add the Arie tank top underneath sometimes which work well together!
Checkout the Stars Above Pajama set from Target here, or this set from Amazon works well too!
I also love this nightgown that buttons up as well!
Which one of these top 5 nursing mom essentials do you love? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reenI). I love hearing your feedback!
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*I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice.
Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!