52 Self Care Ideas for Busy Moms

Being a mom is such a rewarding job, but also is the toughest job you will ever have. There is mom guilt, daycares, schools, eating habits, friends, discipline, and so much more that we think about all.day.long! You deserve some time for yourself, mama, which is why today I’m sharing 52 self care ideas for busy moms!
Some of you might be rolling your eyes at me thinking to yourself, “Sounds nice, but with what time?”
I know it’s difficult to find time for yourself, but I promise you it’s there! Not to mention, it’s super important to take!
We all have 24 hours in the day. Take away 7-8 hours for sleep at night, and you are left with 16-17 hours each day. I realize this time gets filled up quickly with everything there is to do, but I am hoping that after you see these simple ways to get in some self care, you will start taking some time for yourself each day (even if it’s just 5 minutes of praying in the car before entering the house each night).
Find Time for Self Care
In an ideal world self care sounds great, but how can I find the time?
Here are a few suggestions:
- Have the kids help out more around the house.
- Hire a babysitter.
- Enlist your hubby to help when you can.
- Ask for help from grandma or grandpa.
- Plan to trade time with another mama so that you take them one afternoon, and she can take them another.
- Don’t be afraid to say no to others and other activities.

Self Care Ideas
Here are some super simple self care ideas to start trying in your home today! If there aren’t enough to convince you, then one thing I have found is that when I make time for some self care each day, I am more productive throughout the rest of the day! Who doesn’t want to be more productive?
Join the 30 Day Self Care Challenge here!
Here they are:
- Read a good book/listen to a podcast
- Go someplace quiet in your home (even if it’s a closet) and pray/meditate for 5 minutes
- Listen to your favorite song
- Call a friend
- Write a gratitude list
- Go to lunch (by yourself)
- Hire a babysitter for an hour while you get out of the house (It doesn’t matter where, just go mama!)
- Take a nap
- Get ready
- Plan a date night
- Watch your favorite show
- Have a pj day, and stay in bed
- Go for a walk
- Do some yoga
- Indulge in some ice cream or chocolate by yourself
- Wake up 10 minutes earlier and enjoy some coffee while the kids are still sleeping
- Take a shower
- Take a long bath (with essential oils)
- Get a massage
- Try a new restaurant
- Plan a night away
- Go to a coffee shop to work by yourself and enjoy some Jo
- Meet up with friends
- Pray
- Meditate
- Take the kids to the YMCA and either workout or enjoy some alone time while they are in childcare
- Cozy up by the fireplace and enjoy the warmth
- Get out in nature
- Play a game with a friend
- After the kids are in bed, relax with some tv or a good book
- Try a new hobby
- Take a chocolate break while the kids play (make sure it’s out of sight!)
- Diffuse calming essential oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, or Cedarwood
- Cuddle with your kids
- Go get a manicure or pedicure
- Write in a journal
- Read inspirational quotes
- Have a dance party
- Order in dinner
- Spend some time alone
- Organize a drawer or your closet
- Enjoy a quiet cup of tea
- Turn off your phone for an hour or whole day if you can do it!
- Don’t be afraid to say no to someone
- Go to a movie
- Drink more water
- Stretch
- Color for 5-10 minutes
- Learn someone new
- Spend 10 minutes in the sunshine
- Try acupuncture
- Bake something for fun
As you can see these are all some great self care ideas for busy moms! Remember that when you take time for some self care, you are better rested to be able to handle all that life may bring! Here’s to you mama! You’ve got this.
Want more self care ideas and a self care plan?
Since so many people have been asking for some self care help, I created a self care 5-day challenge!
Not only will you have a plan for self-care in your life after the challenge, but you will also know how to work your plan!
Each day of the challenge you receive:
- Details for the challenge that day
- Tips on how to start your own self-care routine
- Encouragement as you navigate through everything
- A way for you to connect and support other people in the Challenge
Since all of us are busy, I made sure to keep the challenge for each day at only 5-10 minutes!
Are you ready? I AM!
Yes Please! Join the FREE 5-Day Self Care Challenge!
Let’s start living more intentionally, saying yes to ourselves, feeling better, and being better able to take care of the people we love! Are you in?
What are your favorite self care ideas? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reenI). I love hearing your feedback!
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All the best,
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I keep an updated list of all the essential oil supplies and natural living products I recommend. I suggest checking it out to see the types of books I’ve read and courses I’ve completed over the last couple of years that have helped me learn how to use essential oils safely and effectively.
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*This post about 52 Self Care Ideas contains affiliate links. If you’d like to purchase a recommended product, please use the links to support this blog. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, it simply allows me to continue creating these posts. Thank you for your love and support!
*I am not a doctor and the statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do not ask me for medical advice.
Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!