9 Self Care Tips to Change Your Life
We live in a very fast-paced society that prides itself on being busy. It’s true when Jenna Kutcher says, “Busy is not a badge of honor.” In order to help you take some time for yourself, unwind, and enjoy life a bit more, I am sharing 9 self care tips to change your life.
It’s important to be there for the ones we love, but it’s also important to be there for ourselves and to take a break when we need one. When we do this, we are able to better do the work that God has set out for us to do and accomplish.
9 Self Care Tips
1. Know when to say “no”
This is one of the best self care tips I can give you. So many of us feel like if we say no people might get mad, not understand, or stop wanting to be our friends, but I a true friend will understand and value you. If they get mad or don’t understand, then let them. It’s not up to you to make everyone happy. You aren’t coffee.
2. Create a great morning routine
I have noticed that when I intentionally get up earlier than my family and carve out time for myself, then I am better able to handle the day ahead. Each morning routine can look different depending on how you want to start your day. Some suggestions are to do a devotional, pray, meditate, workout, drink a cup of coffee (without kids climbing all over you), or enjoying a good book.
The best part about creating your own morning routine is that it can be all yours!
3. Get out in nature
I have found that getting out in nature, especially when I am overwhelmed, helps me to relax, unwind, and remember the important things in life. Even if it’s just a short 5 minute walk, I encourage you to try to get outside as much as you can. If the sun is shining, then that’s an added bonus!
4. Give yourself breaks
Allow yourself to take breaks throughout the day. Even on the stressful days where you don’t think you’ll be able to fit everything in, it’s important to take mini breaks throughout the day. It helps to let your brain relax for 5-10 minutes before diving into another activity. You will find that taking breaks when you need them will help you to be more productive throughout the day. It’s a win-win!
Join the 30 Day Self Care Challenge here!
5. Plan a date with a friend
I think that sometimes it can be easy to start to alienate ourselves from our friends or family when we feel overwhelmed. We feel like we don’t have enough time in the day to get the things done that need done, so how can we have time to meet up with anyone?
When we plan a date with a friend, sister, mom, or husband, it gives us some time to get away from the “busy” things for awhile. It helps us take a break so that when we get back to our day to day life we feel a little bit more refreshed to take on the days!

6. Make a gratitude list
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the negative all around us. It’s so easy to do if we focus on the difficult things in life instead of all the good surrounding us.
Everyone has their stuff, and there will always be stuff that is happening in our lives. The real difference is made when we choose to focus on the good and on all the things there are to be thankful for in this life.
That’s why I love gratitude journals. They help people to focus on the blessings. When we are focusing more on the blessings, then it’s easier to not feel so overwhelmed.
Related: Grab this beautiful Coffee and Oils Journal!
7. Do something you enjoy
It’s so easy to get consumed with everything you have going on that you find yourself doing all the things you “have” to do instead of things you look forward to doing.
That’s why one self care tip is to find something you enjoy. Once you have found that activity or interest, then the next most important thing to do is to schedule it in! If you don’t schedule it in, then it won’t get done. If you want to make lasting change and get in more self care each day, then you have to be intentional with how you are spending your time.
Some examples of fun things to do are to read, go to a coffee shop, listen to music, knit, play a sport, ride a bike, take a walk, dance classes, painting, etc. The key is to find something you love!
8. Stop making excuses
This is a big one I see so many people do. They are “too busy” to get together with friends or “too busy” to take a 10 minute bath at night. It’s important to remember that we make time for the things we want to make time for. Instead of making excuses, own it, and be honest with other people and yourself.
I think sometimes we equate being busy to being important, and that simply isn’t true. Start being honest with yourself and stop making excuses for not having the time for the important things in life. Things will have to change, priorities might have to shift, but I promise that when you start living by seeing all the blessings God has given instead of focusing on all the “busyness” that life offers, you will stop making excuses and start living more intentionally.
9. Go easy on yourself
Give yourself grace. None of us are perfect, and God doesn’t expect us to be either. It’s ok that you have faults. It doesn’t make you weak if you need a break or some time away. Allow yourself the ability to do this without any guilt. If you are a mama, it’s ok to want time away from your kids. It doesn’t make you a bad mom. It makes you a good mom who knows that she needs time to refuel, so she can be the best mommy she can be. You are worth it.
Want more Self Care Tips & more? Join in the 5- Day Self Care Challenge! Get more info HERE!
What are your favorite self care tips? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reenI). I love hearing your feedback!
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All the best,
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!