7 Tips for Creating a Productive Morning Routine

Everyone’s morning routine is different, and if yours is like mine, it’s constantly changing. However, a few items remain constant. Different seasons of life are going to bring different routines. It’s important to stay flexible. Here are 7 tips for creating a productive morning routine!
How to Create a Consistent Morning Routine?
Creating a consistent morning routine doesn’t have to be difficult. There are ways to set yourself up for success to make your morning routine easier to implement each day.
One of the best ways to create a consistent morning routine is to set up everything you’ll need for it the night before. Lay out your clothes for the day, set out the books you’ll read, set up the coffee machine, fill the diffuser, and have everything ready to go to create an easy start to your morning.
See a sneak peak of my morning routine here!
When something is easy to do, you’re more likely to actually get it done which helps you stay consistent!

7 Tips for Creating a Productive Morning Routine
It’s easy to get overwhelmed when trying to start something new, especially in the morning. That’s why I wanted to share these 7 easy tips to help get you started and be successful!
1. Plan Ahead
A tip for creating a productive morning routine is to plan ahead. When you have a plan in place, it’s easier to get things done. It doesn’t mean that you have to stick to that plan 100% everyday (life gets messy), but you’ll have a general framework that you’ll be able to come to rely on each day.
First, sit down and list out some ideas you have that will help you create a morning routine you’ll love. Next, try and narrow that list down to the top priorities you’d like to focus on in the mornings. You most likely won’t have time for everything on your list, so try to pick the ones that will benefit you the most during your current season of life.
After you’ve narrowed the list down to only the necessities, figure out how much time you’ll need for your morning routine, so you know when to get up each morning. I’ve found it’s easier to get up before my kids wake up, so I set my alarm for enough time for me to get everything done I need to before they wake up.
2. Simplify
When starting anything new, it’s always a great idea to simplify the process. Simply your morning routine, so it’s something you’ll stick with. Start with the most important 2-3 items you’d like to do. Then build onto that list as you continue being consistent with doing the routine.
It takes awhile to integrate new habits into your routine, and you’re more likely to stick with something when it doesn’t seem overwhelming.
Here’s one of my favorite daily prayer journals I love using as part of my morning routine!
3. Accountability
Another tip when trying to create a productive morning routine is to enlist the help of a friend or family member to help keep you accountable. It’s amazing the transformations that can occur when you have someone you have to check in with each day or week and share how you’re doing with your goals.
4. Create a Checklist
There is something so satisfying when you’re able to check something off a list. That’s why it’s especially important in the beginning to keep a checklist of the items in your morning routine you’d like to accomplish.
There are many ways to do this. You can create a simple checklist in a word document to print off, use an already made checklist, or create a checklist on your phone to keep you accountable. Many templates can be found online whether in my freebie library here, or on Etsy.

5. Get Enough Sleep
Since this will look different for everyone, I wanted to stress the importance of getting enough sleep. When we are well rested it’s easier to get up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day. This will help you stay consistent with your productive morning routine.
Everyone’s sleep patterns are different and, depending on the season of life you’re in, the hours you are able to sleep may vary. For a time, you may need to get up a little later so that you can give your body the hours it needs to sleep. Other times, it might mean going to bed earlier to get up before your kids wake up for some quiet throughout your morning routine.
6. Move and Hydrate
It’s sometimes hard to get out of bed in the morning, but one of the best things you can do for a productive morning is to start moving and start drinking water! This will help get the blood flowing, and get your day started right!
Drinking water and moving can help give you energy, not only to start the day, but for the day ahead.

7. Be Flexible
As with anything in life it’s important to stay flexible. Life is never perfect. It’s messy and complicated at times, and that’s ok! When we learn to be flexible in our schedules to allow for the imperfections. Then we give ourselves grace to make adjustments as needed.
I’ve had a pretty consistent morning routine since my son was little because I realized I need that time in the morning. Even though it’s been consistent throughout the years, there have been many times my morning routine has had to look different because of different circumstances happening like sicknesses or early wake ups.
In these moments, it’s important to do the best you can, but stay flexible. The biggest thing to remember during these times is to give yourself grace, and then get back to your routine as soon as you can. Having a different morning routine than you’d like to one day isn’t going to make or break you. Choose instead to be consistent during the times you can control it.
Which tip is your favorite? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reeni). I love hearing your feedback!
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!