Top 10 Baby Gear Must Haves
There are so many products out there to get when it comes to babies. It’s especially hard to know which ones are the most important. That’s why I put together a list of the top 10 baby gear must haves.
Becoming a mom is one of the most exciting times of your life. What I have learned is that there are even many questions when becoming a second-time mom such as: what I should buy for baby, what is needed, what is worth the money, and what should I spend my time looking into?
I thought I would know more of what I needed this second time around, but with it being 4 years ago that I had my first baby, there are many new and exciting things on the market!
Top 10 Baby Gear Must Haves
Here is a list of the top baby gear must haves!
1. Snuggle Me Organic
I have heard so many amazing things and reviews on this product! One of the biggest challenges for me when having my son was that he did not sleep well in the bassinet or crib during the day. I would lay him down and it felt like 5-10 minutes later he would be up again.
As a first time mom, I tried to embrace it, but on some days it was definitely challenging. This “pillow” allows them to still feel like they are in a hug which makes it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep! This is certainly something I am looking forward to!
They come in different colors and have different covers which makes it easy to switch out and wash them anytime you need to!
2. Baby PlayMat
These are so important. I would make sure my son had some play time each day on his mat when he was a baby. Depending on the one you get, there are certain “activities” they can do and watch.
My favorite is seeing them swing their arms at the hanging play items!
3. Swaddles
These were life savers for us with my son! He did really well while swaddled, and we were thankful for this great tip when we first became parents. It helped him to stay asleep longer in the crib overnight.
4. Bassinet
I loved being able to have my baby boy right beside me for the first months of life. We used the Halo Bassinet, and will be using it again with this baby. It is easily moveable, and easy to get the baby out when needed.
It’s nice to be able to look over in the middle of the night to see the baby and make sure he/she is doing ok. It helps us moms to sleep easier throughout the night.
5. Crib
Cribs are great for when the baby is getting too big for the bassinet. I loved having a crib for my son when he was a baby. I felt comfortable knowing that he was safe and sound tucked away in his crib.
6. Organic Mattress
Along with the crib, you will need a mattress. Since this is something your baby will most likely sleep on for the first years of his/her life, I always recommend getting an organic mattress, so the baby isn’t sleeping on all those chemicals each night.
We got an organic mattress for our son and will be using it for this baby as well.
7. Diffuser and Essential Oils
I was so thankful, as a first time mom, to have the knowledge of using these natural tools with my baby. He had a diffuser in his room that we regularly filled it with Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Frankincense essential oils.
I don’t know what I would have done without using these oils to help support his little body!
Need more information on essential oils and kids? Grab all the best-selling guides here!
8. Baby Carrier
We love the ErgoBaby Carrier 360! It was used with our first, and we will continue using it when the new baby comes. It’s easy to use, and I loved being able to carry him anywhere I went. Since he didn’t let me put him down much, I was able to get walks in, work around the house done, and so much more!
This was definitely one of the most used items in this list.
9. Car Seat
This is a must if you are planning on going anywhere in the car. This is definitely something I would buy new since you don’t know for sure about safety and if it has been in a car crash unless you buy it new.
10. Baby Swing
This is another useful tool! We set up our swing next to the kitchen, so when I was busy preparing meals, cleaning up, or other things in the kitchen he was able to be put in the swing.
I know a lot of babies who sleep in the swing. Unfortunately, our son did not like to sleep in it, but we were able to use it for times when he was awake because it had a mobile right above him that kept him engaged!
Those are my top baby gear must haves and what we are making sure to have ready for when baby girl arrives!
What are your top baby gear must haves that you would love to share? Let me know by leaving a comment below or sharing a comment or picture on my Facebook Page or tagging me on Instagram (@simply_reenI). I love hearing your feedback!
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Author: Simply Reeni
I am a Certified Essential Oils Coach, and the founder of Simply Reeni. I help empower women to take control of their family’s health by using natural solutions like essential oils! Get more articles like this (and a free diffuser blend ebook) sent to your email here!